

You Must be 18 years old and attend a volunteer seminar. Whether you have experience working with horses and kids or not, we have a place for you! No matter how you get involved, you are guaranteed to have a blast with our horses, the children who visit and other volunteers. Give us a call to get involved!

Donating time to the Ranch

  • Working with kids (chore responsibilities, manure, clearing brush, helping at day camp, playmate supervisor while kids are waiting to ride, etc)
  • Grooming horses
  • Working with kids and horses (Must be at ranch on a regular basis, need to work with the equine training team for several child riding sessions, get permission of Wendy and Kelly)
  • Hang out/playing games with kids
  • Grounds keeping: mowing grass, gardening
  • Ranch maintenance: stacking hay, building and fixing fences, clearing brush, ditch digging, raking, stacking firewood, spreading wood shavings, cleaning water tanks, building things, mowing grass, planting flowers etc.
  • Machinery maintenance

Donate Time to Fundraisers

  • Getting Donations (food, auction)
  • Planning and Working fundraisers (Do you have ideas for fundraisers?)

Donate Time to Fundraisers

  • Getting Donations (food, auction)
  • Planning and Working fundraisers (Do you have ideas for fundraisers?)
  • Promote the Ranch in a Positive Light
  • Newsletter writing
  • Photography
  • Working Promos
  • Musician (special events)

Please contact Wendy Krook with any further questions at 218–428–3580

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